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Theatrical Makeup


Bok om grunnleggende teknikker innenfor teatersminke. Går også litt inn på effekter og blant annet aldersminke/old age makeup.

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Produktnummer: 0432 Kategori: Stikkord: , , , ,


Bok om grunnleggende tekniker innenfor teatersminke og scenesminke. Boken beskriver hvordan man bruker fettsminke, legger høylys og skygger, aldring, enkel sårsminke og ansiktshår. Boken har hundrevis av steg for steg bilder og illustrasjoner.

Anbeflat for nybegynnere og skupspillere med ulik erfaring innenfor teatersminke.

Info om boken på Engelsk:

Theatrical Makeup clearly and concisely explains the basics of theatrical makeup techniques to allow stage actors to put their best face forward!

Readers will gain understanding of the physiology of the human face and, using cream based makeup, as well as commercial cosmetics, learn how to contour it to suit the character with the use of highlight and shadow. Hundreds of full color images and step-by-step instructions illustrate how to visually manipulate bone structure and apparent age, apply simple facial hair and wounds, and create glamorous and natural stage makeup. Also covered are the tools readers will need to apply their own makeup, along with critical health and hygiene tips.

This book is suitable for beginner Theatrical Makeup courses and for stage actors of all levels.

  • Forlag: Routledge
  • Utgave: 1 utgave
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Sider: 142

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teatersminke bok theatrical makeup by sharon sobel
Theatrical Makeup
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